Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Gloom for 2012?. No way!

I sincerely hope that the harbingers of gloom are wrong about 2012. There are some, utilising different dates and for varying reasons, that say the end is Nigh. Well for me, I'm thinking it's the beginning.

March / April is the Chosen target for release of Album number 2. Which, as I've briefly outlined, is far and away some of the best stuff I've written. All the songs, ARE songs. I've invited a number of guest vocalists to help out and I'm humbled and amazed at how many musicians have pledged their all to the project.

Before all the tracks are completed and named a chosen few of the tracks will be PRE-RELEASE uploaded to iTunes etc.

There will be opportunities to win free C.D's, which will be autographed by ALL the performers.

Plus, Choices of Artwork for the album will be periodically displayed on Ace Megarex and Steve Christopher Facebook pages and and you'll be asked to vote for your favourite.

Now for news of Live performances.

For the first time in many years, my original music will be publically aired. Never before will these songs have been played live. I can tell you that I will be more nervous than you can possibly imagine. I've played in many bands, some original but not my songs, some covers but only one previous band was I mainly responsible for the writing. Lorelei, which based in Berkshire boasted some success during the 80's.  One of the other guitarists of Lorelei (Longest serving member apart from me) Andy Bierschenk has come out of retirement to supply the harmony guitar parts that feature in many of my songs. This is where the excitement begins. I can't wait.

New of other sections of the band will be released as the weeks go by. I could tell you who the bass player is and the percussionist (Drummer) is but I'll save that for the next posting.

Finally, I will just say, without You, None of this would be happening. You guys have supported me so much and with all my heart I hope I don't let you down.

Steve xxxx